Dispute Resolution & Consulting

Harmonizing startups, businesses & relationships for 20+ years.

Start Resolution LLC supplies alternative dispute resolution services - mediation, ombuds, and arbitration - globally and more often between the US coasts.

If you have conflict in your business, organization or your family, we start all parties on the way to resolution via extensive experience, transformational skillset, and intense professionalism in true neutral dispute management

Areas of Practice

Startup Mediation


Provides dispute resolution services, including mediation and ombuds services to stakeholders in tech startups at various stages in their fundraising and business evolution.

Family Mediation


Saves families money, time, and anxiety by offering a pathway that facilitates peaceful resolution of disputes, including divorce, child custody and parent-child conflicts.

Tech Arbitration


Strong experience and knowledge in information technology and web development, data custody and cybersecurity enabling service as a qualified arbitrator in the technology sector or in regard to disputes involving technology issues.

“The secret of success is to be in harmony with existence, to be always calm to let each wave of life wash us a little farther up the shore.”

–Cyrill Connolly

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